American Dragons

A website about American dragons.

About dragons

Dragons are legendary creatures that breathe fire and have 2 or 4 legs. They're pretty dangerous, and will definitely bite or swallow you whole. Here's a baby dragon:
Baby Fire Dragon

Next I will have some images of adult dragons, to observe in their natural habitat.

Adult dragons:
Water Dragon Ice Dragon Flying Dragon

More info on dragons

Additional information on dragons,
Dragon Anatomy

As seen in the photo above, there isn't much to dragon anatomy, the interesting thing is it's wings, which also act as another pair of limbs. They enable the American dragons to fly, which Chinese dragons don't need, since their flight abilities mostly depend on magic.

Dragon Lore:

Information on lore about dragons,
Chinese Dragon

Dragons in lore have been prevalent in lore for many centuries, originating in China, and spreading across the world, with many mutations such as the American dragon.